
Our Service

Our worship is all about Jesus and the gifts he desires to give to His creatures. You may hear or see the term “Divine Service” as a description of our worship service because worship is about God serving us rather than about us serving Him. Our worship service contains the historic liturgy of the church including Confession and Absolution, the Creed, and the Lord's Prayer. We also incorporate modern elements as the gifts of our congregation allow. If you have never been to a church service like ours, feel free to stand next to one of our members as you worship so they can show you the ropes!


During our service we collect our tithes and offerings. All good things are from God and we as His people want to use our gifts to support the ministry of Christ's church. If you are visiting with us, please don't feel obligated to give an offering! More important to us than your offering is the yellow connection card found in the pews. Please leave us some information so that we can get in touch with you!

What To Wear

While we strive to look our best when we gather to worship, you are welcome to wear whatever you feel is appropriate. 

Holy Communion

At our services we celebrate the Lord's Supper, where Christ's body and blood are given to us for the forgiveness of sins. If you have been instructed in what we believe and are a member in good standing of the LCMS, we invite you to commune. If you haven't been instructed, we would love to explore this wonderful gift more with you! If you would like to commune or if you are unsure about what we believe, we invite you to speak with Pastor Ulm before service or during the sharing of the peace. 

Bible Class

In between services we take time studying the Word of God together. Grab some coffee and a Fragapane's donut and enjoy a time of engagement with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Over the year we will cover various topics. Your questions and involvement is encouraged!